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How can I upload texts?

Uploading a text described in detail

Updated over a week ago

1. Upload text

To upload your text, open the upload page.

You can drag and drop the file into the field using your mouse.
Alternatively, click on the button “select here” and simply upload the desired document.

Fancy some more details before uploading: Don't miss "Good to know"

Your upload will be confirmed.

After uploading the file, you will also receive an automatic confirmation of receipt by e-mail.

Here you may also replace the uploaded file with another one if necessary; e.g. you accidentally uploaded the wrong version.

After clicking the 'continue' button, you will have the option to choose a contract option.

2. Royalty options & contract

Select one of the publishing options, confirm that you've read and understood the contract, and click 'Accept Contract now'.

Your contract options

Guaranteed one-time fee, marketing with author's fee on sales or Open Access publication (free for readers). You can find more information about these options and a detailed royalty table here.


You will now be shown again which option you have selected.

You can download the contract and save it for your files and click on 'continue'.

3. Enter details about your text

Your real name, anonymous or a pen name/ pseudonym

Now may choose whether you want to publish your text under your real name/full name (taken from your account), under a self-selected pseudonym, or anonymously (without providing a name).

Make a selection and click on 'save and continue'.

Further details relating to the document

Finally, you can provide additional details about the text, including the title and subtitle, category, subject, grade, year of submission, and university etc.

Abstract or Introduction

Also, include a brief description of your text (e.g., abstract or introduction).

Notes to the GRIN team

Under 'Remarks for our GRIN team' you have the opportunity to provide us with any publication instructions (e.g., adding the names of co-authors, etc.)

Once all entries are complete, click on 'save and done'.

4. Your text is ready for publication

Changes to the text details

While your work is not yet published, you can still modify these details within your author account.

Please fill out the forms as completely as possible. Every piece of information helps interested readers to find your text more easily.

Only your consent to the contract counts!
By doing so, you authorise us to publish the text, even if some fields have not been filled in.
If you are not sure or a field does not apply to your text, please leave the relevant field(s) blank and we will add all the necessary information when we review the text.

If desired, you can inquire about our premium services, which allow you to enhance your text, for example, with a professional cover.

Finally, an overview of all your uploaded texts will be displayed. After uploading the file, you will receive an automatic confirmation email.

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