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I forgot my password

You may request a new password at any time

Updated over a week ago
  • Click on "Forgot your password?" on this page.

  • The next step is to enter the e-mail address that you used to sign up at GRIN.

  • You will now receive an email with a temporary password.

Please also check your spam folder!

  • Copy the password and enter it together with the email address you have registered with at GRIN in order to login.

It still doesn't work? Then please follow our recommendations:

- no spaces before and after entering the password and email address (experience shows that this happens most often through copy & paste)

- your email address in exactly the same spelling that you've registered with

- only the most recently requested password is valid

- please use an up-to-date browser

- make sure that there is no outdated data in the browser cache that could prevent you from logging in - please clear the browser cache if necessary.

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