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Formal requirements to consider
Updated over a week ago

Please consider following guidelines with regard to content:

  • The academic work should at least have received a C

  • The text should be spell-checked and grammatically correct

  • All sources and images must be cited correctly

  • If your work contains interviews, your interviewees should agree with a publication

  • If your work contains a company’s internal matters, the company must agree with a publication

  • Your work must not contain sensitive information, especially in regard to lesson plans or internship reports. You can make names anonymous.

  • AI-generated texts are excluded from publication

Please edit and prepare your texts for a publication.

  • We can only publish complete texts. Please send in your work including a cover, table of contents, main text (incl. images) and possible appendices.

  • The margins should be the same on the left and the right side and at least be 1,5 cm. Please center the page numbers.

  • Please also note our formatting tips:

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